Morning lesson for Gianluca Laliscia: the first lesson at the first-level Master’s Degree “Sport Management and Motor Activities”, aimed at training professionals who are experts in the fields of marketing, communication, economics and sports law, began at 9.00 am , at the R.Levi Montalcini Hall of the S. Maria della Misericordia Hospital in Perugia.
The title of the lesson, “Endurance: values, future, team building”, proved to be emblematic: it was the cohesive group of professionals of and Italia Endurance, who were able to create an atmosphere of dialogue and constructive debate with the boys of the Master and each member has conveyed his own experience with peculiar anecdotes and testimonials, coloring the didactic appointment with the typical enthusiasm of those who transform passion into work. Furthermore, for the satisfaction of the team, a large number of participants outside the class group came to participate in the course. To support Gianluca in his professional and entrepreneurial experience, the Top Riders Costanza Laliscia and Carolina Tavassoli Asli, the President Simona Zucchetta, the Technical Director and Team Vet. dr. Angelo Paris, the contact person for international relations Mariangela Valorosi, Team Manager Mario Becchetti and the Building Manager of Alessio Lupatelli.
The narrative journey started from the great love for the horse and from the many successes in the world of Gianluca’s Endurance, which described the multi-year professional agreement and friendship with H.H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum is the ideal and solid bridge built over the years between Italy and the United Arab Emirates, to unfold through the birth of the winning format of Endurance Lifestyle events and their laborious and precise realization and promotion, ending with the presentation of the exclusive Italia Endurance Stables and Academy project and with the explicit exposition of the business model.
If in the part dedicated to sport the Top Riders Costanza Laliscia and Carolina Tavassoli Asli – as well as Gianluca himself – were able to tell the students the dedication, passion and hard training necessary to become multi-medal champions, in the part dedicated to the entrepreneurial field they are Simona Zucchetta, Alessio Lupatelli and Mariangela Valorosi were the ones to testify about the issues that touched from A to Z on the organization manual for this type of event: from design and production of merchandising, to the design and construction of exhibitions, to promotion and communication altogether.
The children, enthusiastic about being able to receive testimonials from professionals in the sector, with a golden success story behind them, were also able to address their questions to Angelo Paris, who has exhaustively filled questions about the horse world, its well-being and race behavior.
To conclude the day, the participation of Dr. Leonella Pasqualini, Director of the Master, who expressed her fervent interest in the lesson as well as the mutual esteem nurtured towards Gianluca Laliscia, Knight, CEO, Charmain, Coach, Team Manager, Entrepreneur, but above all, “winning player in the game of life”.