Costanza had a Bachelor Degree in Exercise and Sports Sciences

Today, Thursday 14 October is an important day. Costanza became a Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Sciences with 110 cum laude and Academic Mention of Merit.

We cannot fail to say that our Sport Champion has reached the finish line by going beyond all limits even in her university experience.

The thesis discussed this morning at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Perugia entitled “Development of dense-perceptive and multisensory skills through the horse and contact with nature: the word Equimparare” represented the perfect synthesis between specific knowledge and experience gained in the field both as an athlete and as a third level Endurance technician.

The experimental project was developed and implemented precisely with the aim of introducing the horse to children and young people of primary and secondary schools by focusing on innovative teaching and a unique life experience.

The thesis, developed with the Supervisor Professor Antonella Piccotti, with an introduction by the President of the Italian Equestrian Sports Federation Marco Di Paola, was appreciated by the commission for the originality of the proposal but above all for being a tool for the true promotion of sport among young people.

Congratulations again Costanza!


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