Spring Pony 2024

It was an extraordinary Sunday, June 9th at Italia Endurance Stables & Academy in Agello di Magione with the Spring Pony event, a day of sport, training and fun, dedicated to all the young riders who challenged themselves in Endurance Pony rides and to their families who supported them and rejoiced with them.

Five equestrian centers participated in the competitions: the Fuxiateam of Italia Endurance Stables & Academy with the instructors Costanza Laliscia and Lorenzo Ferrarese, the Wild Horse ASD with Serena Fratini, the Circolo Ippico Montione with Maria Sole Lama and Francesco Pilati, the Scuderia del Borgo with Giulia Bonomi and the Caldese Horse Academy.

Many young riders and young riders competed in the four scheduled race categories: Pony Elite (8 km), Pony B (6.4 km), Pony A (3.2 km) and Pony Avviamento (1.6 km). The race course, studied with abundance and skill, started from the Italia Endurance Stables & Academy equestrian center and then immersed themselves in the beautiful Umbrian landscape.

In addition to the equestrian endurance competitions, an outdoor lunch with music and fun to celebrate, all together, the great results achieved.

Great pride for the Fuxiateam to see its small and great future Endurance promises occupy the first step of the podium in all four categories.

The first place in the Pony Elite category was Laurenzi Aurora riding Salida (Fuxiateam), the second place Bartocci Martina riding Stella by Caligola (Montione) and the third place Kodric Rebecca riding Magic Lobel (Wild Horse); followed by Marsella Elena, Paoletti Olimpia, Ceccarelli Mori Amalia.

Fuxiateam again in first place in Pony B with Bigazzi Greta riding Salida, second Soare Iris riding Magic Lobel (Wild Horse) and third Cucina Gioia riding Stella by Caligola (Montione), followed by Fiori Chiara Maria, Panigoni Charlotte Catherin Cedrine, Fiorucci Bianca, Cavallari Massimo Vittorio, Velloni Ludovica and Palomba Giorgia.

Monetti Costanza, the youngest pupil of the Fuxiateam, placed first in Pony A riding Sirio, followed by Basili Giacomo riding Morgana from the Circolo Ippico Wild Horse. In the Pony Avviamento instead, it was Bigazzi Rebecca riding Sirio who achieved first place, second and third place was Marsella Sofia riding Castlemead Zetta and Ricci Vittoria riding Castlemead Zetta from the Montione Equestrian Centre. Followed by Borsi Anna, Costantini Amelia, Monetti Vittoria, Mangano Martina, Cappelloni Agata, Massimi Virginia Maria.

One of the most appreciated innovations of the day was the “Judo on horseback” stage, directed by the 6 Dan Master Augusto Mariotti of the F.I.J.L.K.A.M and the champion Costanza Laliscia. This unique experience allowed the young riders to learn Judo-inspired safe falling techniques, known as Ukemi. The objective was certainly to teach participants the correct execution of falls from horses with an innovative lesson that combined knowledge and fun in the splendid gym of the Fuxiateam stables. At the end of the training stage, each rider will be given a certificate of participation signed by Maestro Mariotti.

Training, sport and safety were harmoniously integrated, making this day unforgettable. The organization by Italia Endurance Stables & Academy guaranteed an event that exceeded all expectations, transforming Spring Pony into a real party for all participants.

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