Costanza Laliscia triumphs in the 2025 European Test Event

Costanza Laliscia takes Italy to the top of the podium at the Zigulí Test Event FEI Endurance European Championship, which took place on August 31 in Castiglione del Lago.

The young champion, already famous for her numerous successes, has enriched her palmarès with another prestigious title, triumphing in the CEI3* 160 km category, which was the dress rehearsal for next year’s European Championships.

The race was characterized by a tight and exciting competition. Costanza Laliscia, riding Zagara di Chia, a nine-year-old Arabian thoroughbred owned by Nicolò Trotta, once again demonstrated her exceptional talent and extraordinary determination. After a long battle lasting over nine hours, our spearhead was able to prevail over her opponents thanks to an impeccable strategy.

The difficult weather conditions, with high temperatures and particularly high humidity, made the race even more difficult, putting all the participants to the test. Despite these challenges, Costanza maintained an impressive pace, finishing the competition with an overall average speed of 17.097 km/h. The decisive moment was the last loop, the sixth, where the athlete pushed to the maximum, reaching an average speed of 22.684 km/h.

Her main opponents, the Spanish riders Omar Blanco Rodrigo on Fatal and Maite Pradera Ledo on Sarabi d’Abalume, tried until the end to challenge Laliscia’s leadership, but they could do nothing against the strength and determination of the Italian champion. At the end of the race, Blanco Rodrigo and Pradera Ledo had to settle for second and third place respectively, after a heart-stopping final sprint that reached 56.9 km/h.

At the end of the race, Zagara di Chia also won the Best Condition award and the ANICA award as the best Italian Arabian horse in the category.

For Costanza Laliscia, this victory represents not only a personal success, but it celebrates the strength of dedication and daily work, demonstrating that sacrifice always pays off. But none of this would have been possible without the support and commitment of an extraordinary team, the Fuxiateam!

With Zagara di Chia, Costanza formed a perfect duo, which gave the audience of Castiglione del Lago an unforgettable show.

A special thanks to Nicolò Trotta, owner of Zagara di Chia, for the unconditional trust placed in the Fuxiateam!

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