Finally we are, Friday 21 June at 9:00 am at the Hall “R.Levi Montalcini” of the Hospital S.Maria della Misericordia in Perugia, Gianluca Laliscia will present his first lesson “Endurance: values, history, future” at the first level Master’s Degree Course “Management of Sport and Motor Activities”, intended to train experienced professionals in the field of marketing, communication, economics and law of sport. Together with him will attend the Fuxiateam, composed of the Top Riders Costanza Laliscia and Carolina Tavassoli Asli, the President Simona Zucchetta, the Technical Director and Team Vet. dr. Angelo Paris, the contact person for international relations Mariangela Valorosi, the Team Manager Mario Becchetti and the Building Manager Alessio Lupatelli. Many topics will be dealt and there will be many reflections on Gianluca’s sporting and entrepreneurial experience, given the great results achieved during his life.
Laliscia is now synonymous with values that are handed down by generation: his daughter Costanza, a champion who has won many times, will in fact be able to tell about her successes. She will have the opportunity to talk about her experiences despite her young age; the twenty years old has been Italian champion five times and obtained two silvers and a bronze at the Europeans.
The Master is organized in collaboration with various institutions such as CONI Regional Sports School, CIP Italian Paralympic Committee, CISM Italian Committee for Exercise Sciences, CURIAMO Unipg, CUS University Sports Center, Regional School Office of Umbria and Umbria Region, but is pleased to have the partnership of both Italia Endurance and
The lesson is open to everybody!