Gianluca Laliscia will teach at University

PERUGIA- It is really true that Gianluca Laliscia does not end to surprise. All the roles covered until today were not enough, and other important tasks continue to improve his curriculum. The last one has been assigned to him by the University of Perugia, in particular the Medicine Department that put him in the team of teacher of the 1st level University Master “Sport Management and motor skills activity” created in order to train professional experts in the marketing, communications, economy and law of the sport.

This Master has been organized together with CONI Regional Sport School, CIP Italian Paralympic Committee, CISM Italian Sport Sciences Committee, CURIAMO Unipg, CUS University Sport Centre, Umbrian Regional Board Education and Region of Umbria, as well as Italia Endurance and and Dubai Sports Council. The handler of this project is Professor Leonella Pasqualini.

1500 hours of lectures given by university teachers and experts in the field like Gianluca Laliscia will provide all the necessary cultural basis for the organization and management of the sport activities, gyms, tourist facilities able to coordinate and manage human resources, materials and technologies and deal with the challenges required by the new idea of Sport.

Right this current topics will ensure to the Master great success and achievements, also because of its attractive price of 2500€. Furthermore, Italia Endurance strongly believes that its Vice President Gianluca will comply all the expectations.

Remind you that the deadline for the registration has been established for the 14th of January 2019.

You can find more information on ———— and on the brochure here attached.

Good luck to every student.

Brochure Master in Sport Management

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