The Longines FEI Endurance World Championship 2020 will be held in Pisa(ITA) on 22 May 2021. The decision, which is the result of a strong collaboration and a series of profitable video conferences between the OC srl and Italia Endurance ASD, the FEI and the FISE led to the final choice to postpone the Longines FEI Endurance World Championship to the next season, due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on international equestrian sport.

The postponement will guarantee a fair sport competition and a level playing field for all participating countries. The FEI will communicate the qualification criteria at the earliest opportunity.

The President of FISE, Marco Di Paola said: “We express satisfaction for the decision of the FEI Board to postpone the one-year World Championship. The International Equestrian Federation has accepted the Italian proposal, the result of numerous contacts made in recent months with the same FEI and with other National Federations. I am sure – added the President – that thanks to the professionalism and competence of the Organizing Committee and Gianluca Laliscia, also on this occasion, Italy will make available its important organizational contribution for the enhancement and development of the discipline of the Endurance worldwide. That of 2021 – concluded Di Paola – will be a memorable edition”.

Gianluca Laliscia, CEO & Chairman of commented: “We welcome the decision taken by the FEI on the basis of a profitable work that has involved, Italia Endurance ASD a longside FISE and FEI. Confronting on an idea that the Italian sides had advanced in full lockdown has produced an important result and, above all, respectful of the legitimate aspirations of individual nations and riders. The date of May 22, 2021 for the Longines FEI Endurance World Championship will allow all pairs to compete at best. We wait everybody in PISA at the San Rossore racecourse”.


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