Unparalleled victory in Slovakia for Costanza Laliscia

A week after the victory in the 120 km of Rocca di Papa in Rome, the multiple Italian champion Costanza Laliscia, riding Kasimir dell’Orsetta, conceded an encore, dominating and winning the CEI3* 160 km which was held on last May 4th in Šamorin, Slovakia. In a place full of history and great prestige, which has hosted the most important competitions at European and world level, riders from 15 different countries have met: and it is on this stage that the combination of Italia Endurance Stables & Academy, a one of the most successful teams globally, brought the Italian flag to the pinnacle of success with an extraordinary performance.

In their first long-distance test together, Costanza and Kasimir from Orsetta blew away the competition by imposing a pace that no other competitor was able to sustain.

Starting at first light, the 160 km race unfolded along a race course along the banks of the Danube which enhanced the technical qualities of the Arabian thoroughbred. Costanza immediately took command of the race and held the lead for the entire duration of the competition, leading the entire 160 km alone. With an average of 17.844 km/h and 8 hours and 58 minutes of racing, the rider from Fuxiateam mastered every single kilometer and more: it was a real victory by dispersion, which saw Costanza and Kasimir dell’Orsetta crossing the finish line more than an hour before the second classified, the Chinese Wang Zhigiang, and the third classified, the Bulgarian Ivan Vodogazec.

“It was a real test of strength and resistance, both mental and physical – she comments immediately Costanza Laliscia – Doing the whole track alone wasn’t easy, but Kasimir was a real champion, despite this being his first time over the maximum distance of 160 km. Rides so they are not prepared in a short time, but are the result of long daily work by everyone the team”.

The Fuxiateam rider led an impeccable race with the determination of a true champion, making last weekend memorable for Italian endurance: a day in which talent, passion and commitment triumphed, giving a victory without precedents and proudly waving the Italian flag in Slovakia. Another indelible sports page has been added to the history of Fuxiateam and Italia Endurance Stables & Academy.

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