Fuxiateam started the New Year with the first race on January 04th 2020, in Dubai at the CEN 160 km HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Endurance Cup.
It was a great beginning for Carolina Tavassoli Asli who with Eszjo, owner Chiara Bellini, finished the hard race riding the last lap at an average of 21.38 km/h. Carolina started as a champion this 2020 giving proof of her talent and empathy with her teammate, a Fuxiateam that never disappoints!
Even Costanza Laliscia was no exception, and even if she retired from the race with Plundiss Du Bienn, owner Daniel Braido, after passing the second lap vet check, she showed, as always, to have the sample cloth recognizing her limits and those of her partner.
That days in Dubai was even an occasion for Costanza to see again Sacha El Kandhaar, the horse of the F3 Stables, with whom she won the European Championship this past august.
Were days full of joy and satisfaction in Dubai, for the spearheads of the Fuxiateam who had showed, even internationally, of being not afraid for any challenge.